Author: netimpactlimited


The Power of Social Listening: Unlock Hidden Opportunities for Your Marketing Strategy

When a wave of tweets about soggy fries flooded Twitter, McDonald's could have easily dismissed them as isolated complaints. However, by actively listening to social conversations, they recognized a recurring issue with their packaging. This insight prompted them to redesign their fry containers, resulting in crispier fries and happier customers. This is the power of…

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5 Mantras of Building a Culture of Collaboration and Meritocracy

At NetImpact, we believe that a strong organisational culture is the backbone of any successful business.  By focusing on our core values—integrity, transparency, operational excellence, and inclusion—we aim to create a workplace where employees feel inspired, valued, and engaged.  This not only builds commitment and employee motivation, but also ensures that we deliver exceptional value…

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The Impact of Online Customer Care on Brand Loyalty

Introduction According to a recent study, 73% of customers are willing to spend more with companies that provide excellent customer service experiences.  In today's digital age, online customer care has emerged as a critical factor in building brand loyalty and customer retention. Customers expect immediate, efficient, and personalized support, and businesses that deliver exceptional online…

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Vodafone’s iconic tech campaign in 2017

Vodafone’s latest campaign #FutureIsExciting has the now famous couple of Asha and Bala wowing large parts of the country doing fun stuff with the latest technology. Read More...

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One of the key things engaging the masses across the country is the added pull of Pro Kabaddi attracting many celebrities from Bollywood, Cricket and some Business tycoons as well. Read More...

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